Lab Grown Diamonds: 10 Surprising Facts You Need to Know

Lab Grown Diamonds: 10 Surprising Facts You Need to Know

Lab Grown Diamonds: 10 Surprising Facts You Need to Know
Posted on May 10th, 2024.

When it comes to diamonds, the traditional image of miners toiling away in deep, dark tunnels might come to mind. However, in recent years, there's been a significant shift in the diamond industry with the advent of lab grown diamonds. These diamonds, cultivated in controlled environments rather than mined from the earth, are gaining popularity for their ethical, environmental, and economic benefits.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds, often referred to as synthetic or cultured diamonds, are created through advanced technological processes that mimic the natural diamond-growing environment. Unlike mined diamonds, which are formed over millions of years deep within the Earth's mantle, lab grown diamonds are produced in weeks to months in high-tech laboratories. Despite their different origins, lab grown diamonds share the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds, making them indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Now, let's delve into ten surprising facts about lab grown diamonds that every diamond enthusiast should know:

1. Eco-Friendly Production

Lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower environmental impact compared to mined diamonds. Traditional diamond mining involves extensive land disturbance, water usage, and energy consumption. In contrast, lab grown diamonds require minimal land use and have a smaller carbon footprint, making them a more sustainable choice for environmentally-conscious consumers.

2. Ethical Sourcing

One of the most appealing aspects of lab grown diamonds is their ethical sourcing. Unlike mined diamonds, which have been associated with issues such as child labour and human rights abuses in certain regions, lab grown diamonds are produced in controlled laboratory settings, ensuring fair labour practices and ethical sourcing from start to finish.

3. Identical Composition

Lab grown diamonds have the same chemical composition as mined diamonds, consisting of pure carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure. This means that lab grown diamonds possess the same brilliance, sparkle, and durability as their mined counterparts, offering consumers a high-quality alternative with no compromise on beauty or performance.

4. Affordability

One of the most surprising facts about lab grown diamonds is their affordability compared to mined diamonds. Due to the streamlined production process and lower overhead costs associated with lab grown diamonds, they are typically priced significantly less than mined diamonds of comparable quality and size. This makes lab grown diamonds an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers who still desire the allure of a diamond.

5. Wide Range of Colours

Contrary to popular belief, lab grown diamonds are not limited to traditional white diamonds. In fact, lab grown diamonds can be produced in a wide spectrum of colours, including fancy yellows, pinks, blues, and greens. This versatility allows consumers to choose a diamond that reflects their individual style and personality, making lab grown diamonds a truly customizable option.

6. Traceability and Transparency

Lab grown diamonds offer unparalleled traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain. Each lab grown diamond I provide is accompanied by a certification that provides detailed information about its characteristics, and production process. This level of transparency gives consumers peace of mind knowing exactly where their diamond comes from and how it was created.

7. Minimal Environmental Impact

Unlike traditional diamond mining, which can have devastating effects on the environment, lab grown diamond production has minimal environmental impact. The controlled laboratory environment allows for efficient use of resources such as water and energy, reducing the overall ecological footprint associated with diamond production. Additionally, lab grown diamonds eliminate the need for environmentally destructive mining practices, preserving natural habitats and ecosystems.

8. Growing Popularity

In recent years, the popularity of lab grown diamonds has surged as consumers become more aware of their ethical and environmental benefits. Major jewellery retailers and designers are increasingly incorporating lab grown diamonds into their collections, reflecting the growing demand for sustainable and socially responsible luxury goods. As awareness continues to spread, lab grown diamonds are poised to become a mainstream choice for discerning consumers worldwide.

9. Declared a luxury item

LVMH, the conglomerate that owns brands such as Tiffany and Bulgari invested heavily (90 million dollars!) into lab grown ventures. As a company seeking brands that stand out amongst emerging trends and innovation in luxury this huge investment certainly implies support for the development of lab grown diamonds.

10. Ethical and Sustainable Choice

Ultimately, choosing lab grown diamonds is not just a matter of style or budget, but also a statement of values. By opting for lab grown diamonds, consumers can feel confident that they are making an ethical and sustainable choice that aligns with their principles. Whether it's for an engagement ring, a pair of earrings, or a statement necklace, lab grown diamonds offer a guilt-free way to enjoy the beauty and brilliance of diamonds without compromising on conscience.

Advantages of Choosing Lab Grown Diamonds

In addition to the surprising facts mentioned above, there are several distinct advantages to choosing lab grown diamonds over their mined counterparts. Let's explore these advantages in more detail:

Ethical Sourcing and Conflict-Free Guarantee

One of the most compelling reasons to choose lab grown diamonds is their ethical sourcing and conflict-free guarantee. Mined diamonds have long been associated with issues such as child labour, forced labour, and human rights abuses in certain regions where diamond mining occurs. In contrast, lab grown diamonds are produced in controlled laboratory settings under strict ethical standards, ensuring fair labour practices and transparency throughout the supply chain. This means that when you choose a lab grown diamond, you can have peace of mind knowing that it was produced without contributing to any social or environmental harm.

Environmental Sustainability

Lab grown diamonds are also a more environmentally sustainable choice compared to mined diamonds. Traditional diamond mining involves extensive land disturbance, water usage, and energy consumption, leading to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and pollution. In contrast, lab grown diamond production has a significantly lower environmental impact, with minimal land use, water usage, and energy consumption. By choosing lab grown diamonds, you can minimise your ecological footprint and support sustainable practices in the diamond industry.

Affordable Luxury

Another advantage of lab grown diamonds is their affordability compared to mined diamonds. Due to the streamlined production process and lower overhead costs associated with lab grown diamonds, they are typically priced significantly less than mined diamonds of comparable quality and size. This means that you can enjoy the beauty and brilliance of a diamond without breaking the bank. Whether you're shopping for an engagement ring, a pair of earrings, or a pendant necklace, lab grown diamonds offer luxury at a more accessible price point.

Customization Options

Lab grown diamonds offer unparalleled customization options, allowing you to create a truly unique piece of jewellery that reflects your individual style and personality. In addition to traditional white diamonds, lab grown diamonds can be produced in a wide spectrum of colours, including fancy yellows, pinks, blues, and greens. This versatility allows you to design a one-of-a-kind piece that stands out from the crowd and makes a statement wherever you go.

Consistent Quality and Clarity

One of the key advantages of lab grown diamonds is their consistent quality and clarity. Unlike mined diamonds, which can vary in terms of colour, clarity, and consistency due to natural imperfections and inclusions, lab grown diamonds are produced under controlled laboratory conditions, resulting in diamonds that are virtually flawless and consistent in quality. This means that you can expect a high level of brilliance, sparkle, and durability from every lab grown diamond, ensuring that your jewellery retains its beauty and value for years to come.


Lab grown diamonds represent the future of the diamond industry, offering consumers a sustainable, ethical, and affordable alternative to mined diamonds. With their identical composition, wide range of colours, and minimal environmental impact, lab grown diamonds are revolutionising the way we think about luxury jewellery.

Explore the beauty of all diamonds by visiting Kellerwood Jewellers today and discover your perfect sparkler. Contact us at 020 3713 7757 or visit our website to explore our exquisite collection of lab grown diamond jewellery.

Explore the beauty of all diamonds! Contact us today to find your perfect sparkler!

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